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Pranic Healing is a highly developed and tested system of energy based a no-touch healing technique that utilizes "Prana" to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. “Prana” is a Sanskrit word that means "life force". This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as "Chi". It is also called "Ruah" or the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.

The founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui (GMCKS) successfully developed what was known as the art of healing into what may be considered a fully developed Scientific Method. Pranic Healing as a scientific method aims to investigate healing phenomena and acquire new healing knowledge, as well as correct and integrate previous knowledge on healing. Pranic Healing as a scientific method is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence, subject to specific principles of reasoning. GMCKS identified causal relationships between certain medical conditions and replicable techniques to assist in the healing of these medical conditions. For over eighteen years he privately designed and conducted experimental studies to test these healing techniques for accuracy before they were released to the general public. Pranic Healing employs a step-by-step, cookie-cutter healing technique that can be applied in situations as required without modification. Following the step-by-step instructions brings predetermined results.

Origin of the Name

Pranic Healing is derived from the word Prana, a Sanskrit word meaning 'breath' and refers to a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy in the natural processes of the universe. Prana is a central concept in Indian medicine and Yoga, believed to flow through a network of fine subtle channels called nadi. What is Pranic Healing? Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective no-touch energy healing technique. Pranic Healing is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a "self-repairing" living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing works on the principle that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body. Pranic Healing influences this natural life force to bring about a healthier physical body. Pranic Healing is applied on the bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, which contains the mold and blueprint of the physical body. This bioplasmic body absorbs life energy and distributes it to the organs and glands. Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions in the energy field before manifesting as ailments in the physical body. By employing Pranic Healing techniques, the natural healing process of the body is accelerated. 3. Fundamental principles of Pranic Healing
  • Decontamination: ‘Energy Hygiene’ is emphasized for the benefit of both the healer and the recipient. Washing hands before and after healing with salt water minimizes and removes contaminated energy. Decontamination also involves the purification of the healing space for the benefit of the healer and future clients.
  • Cleansing: Based on experiments and clairvoyant observations, dirty grayish energy is removed from the subject when sweeping is done. Removing the diseased energies from the affected energy centers and diseased organs, followed by energizing them with sufficient Prana is required for healing to occur.
  • Energizing: Energy must be properly pumped from the healer’s body and then systematically projected to the subject. When done properly, the healer is able to sufficiently energize the subject without draining his or her own life force.
  • Systematic Application of Energy on the Major & Minor Chakras: The Sanskrit literal translation for the word Chakras is wheels. Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Each chakra or energy center corresponds to a major organ in the human body. Chakras act as energy power stations to enable the energy body or aura to absorb and process energy from our surroundings. Clairvoyants perceive chakras as spinning wheels of light. After extensive research with the help of high level clairvoyants as well as medical professionals, GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui was able to synthesize a list of healing protocols for different ailments. Ailments have been shown to affect specific groups of chakras. Proper application of the correct technique to the affected chakras, produce consistent and proven results.
  • Stabilizing In order to prevent the projected energizing Prana from leaking out, it is necessary for the healer to stabilize the prana. If the prana is not stabilized, then the symptoms may return within hours. F. Releasing Clairvoyant observations have shown the existence of an energy cord connecting the healer and the patient. Cutting the energy cord, prevents the projected prana from returning to healer.
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